
Author Topic: Xmvpack  (Read 65 times)


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« on: July 23, 2003, 02:31:00 PM »


Author: Videogamebuyer14

Authors Words

Ok, this release is one of my first. It is a .xmv editor, which will easily allow you to
import a stream of video and several streams of audio, (if you wish) into a .xmv file. It's
regular clipper code for now, I'll see to it that I get a gui out soon.

If you don't understand how to use clipper programs,(without a gui) please don't attempt to
use this program. You've been warned.


    - Benjeremy - Thanks for all of your help biggrin.gif
    - Xbox-Scene - For being the best forum out there!
    - To everyone who asked for this program. tongue.gif

TO-DO LIST (Later On)

    - Try to get a nice User - Friendly GUI working, instead of the mean clipper code. biggrin.gif
    - Working on a XMV player for Xbox with play and loop functions.
    - Releasing the entire set of tools with my release of cdx.

Change History
    - None, first edition.

This is from MS XDK - Screen Shot
user posted image

This is from XMVpack - Screen Shot
user posted image

is it just me or are these not the same program.  Not to mention, they are the exact same size.  Not trying to nit pick but you cannot simply remove the MS Copyrights within the program and claim that it is legalware now.  This is a product of MS and is no different that the distribution of GDFimage or anything else.


- I might be wrong but I doubt it.


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« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2003, 02:46:00 PM »


Sigh.... this sort of nonsense seems to happen all the time. The first time I encountered something like this was a "PC Tool" app, which somebody had hex-edited to read "DOSTool" way back in 1987.

For the record, I didn't "help" in any patching of this app. As busy as I am, I merely helped get it to #xbins thinking it was a legitimate release. Sorry about that.

Videogamebuyer14, I'm disappointed in you. I want to publicly state that I do not want you to involve me in any 'software' you develop from this point on. Sorry, but this sort of behavior doesn't help the scene.


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« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2003, 02:55:00 PM »

QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Jul 23 2003, 05:46 PM)

Sigh.... this sort of nonsense seems to happen all the time. The first time I encountered something like this was a "PC Tool" app, which somebody had hex-edited to read "DOSTool" way back in 1987.

For the record, I didn't "help" in any patching of this app. As busy as I am, I merely helped get it to #xbins thinking it was a legitimate release. Sorry about that.

Videogamebuyer14, I'm disappointed in you. I want to publicly state that I do not want you to involve me in any 'software' you develop from this point on. Sorry, but this sort of behavior doesn't help the scene.

Just looking out for you BJ, I did not think that you had anything to do with this but just wanted people to know and people who are hosting it to know.



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« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2003, 04:31:00 PM »

You know, it's funny how you always try to do something positive, and then it gets thrown in your face. Please tell #xbins to remove it. I won't bother trying to talk them into hosting it. I thought that would ahve done something, but unfortunately not. Sorry, guys. Ben, sorry I got you into this, I will ask them to take it down.

And if I'm correct, doesn't xbins host XDK samples? Aren't those copyrighted by MS as well? Hmm....


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« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2003, 04:56:00 PM »

QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Jul 23 2003, 07:31 PM)
You know, it's funny how you always try to do something positive, and then it gets thrown in your face. Please tell #xbins to remove it. I won't bother trying to talk them into hosting it. I thought that would ahve done something, but unfortunately not. Sorry, guys. Ben, sorry I got you into this, I will ask them to take it down.

And if I'm correct, doesn't xbins host XDK samples? Aren't those copyrighted by MS as well? Hmm....

They might be, I am not sure as I do not really hang out on the #xbins server.  I was not trying to be rude or anything but it is wrong (morally and legally) to remove the Copyright (MS) and claim it as your own which is all that I am saying.  



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« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2003, 05:00:00 PM »

QUOTE (LepPpeR @ Jul 24 2003, 01:56 AM)
QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Jul 23 2003, 07:31 PM)
You know, it's funny how you always try to do something positive, and then it gets thrown in your face. Please tell #xbins to remove it. I won't bother trying to talk them into hosting it. I thought that would ahve done something, but unfortunately not. Sorry, guys. Ben, sorry I got you into this, I will ask them to take it down.

And if I'm correct, doesn't xbins host XDK samples? Aren't those copyrighted by MS as well? Hmm....

They might be, I am not sure as I do not really hang out on the #xbins server.  I was not trying to be rude or anything but it is wrong (morally and legally) to remove the Copyright (MS) and claim it as your own which is all that I am saying.  


No offense taken, however though, I merely removed the trademarks and changed the name the program and changed the functions. I also stated in the nfo, that it was merely edited version of Xmvtool. Sorry, for those who didn't understand. I don't get any pleasure out of releasing someone else's hard work. I know that MS likes to bitch about stuff that's theirs, so I merely edited it for others to use. Sorry, if people think I'm doing this for fun. Christ.


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« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2003, 05:16:00 PM »

I don't see that anywhere in the NFO.  Sorry, man, but it looks like highway robbery more than "something positive."  I guess you were trying to remove the copyright notations and markings identifying the program...but if anything that makes the distribution illegal on 2 fronts: distribution of copyrighted material and modification of protected code.


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« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2003, 05:37:00 PM »

QUOTE (Xeero @ Jul 23 2003, 08:16 PM)
I don't see that anywhere in the NFO.  Sorry, man, but it looks like highway robbery more than "something positive."  I guess you were trying to remove the copyright notations and markings identifying the program...but if anything that makes the distribution illegal on 2 fronts: distribution of copyrighted material and modification of protected code.

Agreed, But I just like how he ended his last post (CHRIST) but I do not feel that I did anything wrong, Just pointing out the obvious.



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« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2003, 05:39:00 PM »

QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Jul 23 2003, 06:31 PM)
You know, it's funny how you always try to do something positive, and then it gets thrown in your face. Please tell #xbins to remove it. I won't bother trying to talk them into hosting it. I thought that would ahve done something, but unfortunately not. Sorry, guys. Ben, sorry I got you into this, I will ask them to take it down.

And if I'm correct, doesn't xbins host XDK samples? Aren't those copyrighted by MS as well? Hmm....

First of all, our hosted content is no part of this discussion. I dont know why you even brought it up. It has never been a secret that we host boarder line material.

Now with that said..

Taking someone elses work and releasing it is *bullshit*.

You are nothing more than a 2nd hand leech off of others hard work. It is not your place to 'remove their copyrights' or *anything* from their tools. That is BLANTANT plagerism, and xbins in NO way supports this.

We host stuff that while is compiled with MS's libraries, its their *own* work. This is NOT your work. That is the difference here.  This was not your code.

Kids these days..

EDIT- I just looked at the nfo...

Ok, this release is one of my first. It is a .xmv editor, which will easily allow you to
import a stream of video and several streams of audio, (if you wish) into a .xmv file. It's
regular clipper code for now, I'll see to it that I get a gui out soon.

Your release? hah.



This is a .XMV packer that was edited for legal public distribution. Enjoy it.

You said " I also stated in the nfo, that it was merely edited version of Xmvtool"

...sure doesnt look like it. Infact what you said was that it was what it was (a .XMV packer) and that it was 'edited for legal public distribution'. There is no way to interpret that as "This is MSs tool, i merely edited it" ..infact, all you did was lie to us. The mere distribution of this is a insult to developers, and a shame.

It is removed from xbins.


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« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2003, 06:11:00 PM »

QUOTE (Iriez @ Jul 24 2003, 02:39 AM)
QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Jul 23 2003, 06:31 PM)
You know, it's funny how you always try to do something positive, and then it gets thrown in your face. Please tell #xbins to remove it. I won't bother trying to talk them into hosting it. I thought that would ahve done something, but unfortunately not. Sorry, guys. Ben, sorry I got you into this, I will ask them to take it down.

And if I'm correct, doesn't xbins host XDK samples? Aren't those copyrighted by MS as well? Hmm....

First of all, our hosted content is no part of this discussion. I dont know why you even brought it up. It has never been a secret that we host boarder line material.

Now with that said..

Taking someone elses work and releasing it is *bullshit*.

You are nothing more than a 2nd hand leech off of others hard work. It is not your place to 'remove their copyrights' or *anything* from their tools. That is BLANTANT plagerism, and xbins in NO way supports this.

We host stuff that while is compiled with MS's libraries, its their *own* work. This is NOT your work. That is the difference here.  This was not your code.

Kids these days..

EDIT- I just looked at the nfo...

Ok, this release is one of my first. It is a .xmv editor, which will easily allow you to
import a stream of video and several streams of audio, (if you wish) into a .xmv file. It's
regular clipper code for now, I'll see to it that I get a gui out soon.

Your release? hah.



This is a .XMV packer that was edited for legal public distribution. Enjoy it.

You said " I also stated in the nfo, that it was merely edited version of Xmvtool"

...sure doesnt look like it. Infact what you said was that it was what it was (a .XMV packer) and that it was 'edited for legal public distribution'. There is no way to interpret that as "This is MSs tool, i merely edited it" ..infact, all you did was lie to us. The mere distribution of this is a insult to developers, and a shame.

It is removed from xbins.

Thanks for removing it. And for the smart talk as well.  dry.gif


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« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2003, 06:13:00 PM »

QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Jul 23 2003, 10:11 PM)
Thanks for removing it. And for the smart talk as well.  dry.gif

For the record, you don't get to be sarcastic right now.


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« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2003, 06:16:00 PM »

QUOTE (Xeero @ Jul 24 2003, 03:13 AM)
QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Jul 23 2003, 10:11 PM)
Thanks for removing it. And for the smart talk as well.  dry.gif

For the record, you don't get to be sarcastic right now.

Alright then. How about if we just posted up the real XMVTOOL on xbins? I tried to make a safe alternative, but people get the wrong idea. Since there are already things like the font bundler, why the hell not post that up there too? I was just looking to help people guys, no need to flame uncontrollably. It was a simple mistake, its gone from both the xbins servers and my computer. All done. Thanks for your time.


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« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2003, 06:30:00 PM »

QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Jul 23 2003, 09:16 PM)
QUOTE (Xeero @ Jul 24 2003, 03:13 AM)
QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Jul 23 2003, 10:11 PM)
Thanks for removing it. And for the smart talk as well.  dry.gif

For the record, you don't get to be sarcastic right now.

Alright then. How about if we just posted up the real XMVTOOL on xbins? I tried to make a safe alternative, but people get the wrong idea. Since there are already things like the font bundler, why the hell not post that up there too? I was just looking to help people guys, no need to flame uncontrollably. It was a simple mistake, its gone from both the xbins servers and my computer. All done. Thanks for your time.

Just for the record, we are not flamming you either.  Telling you what you are doing is wrong is not a flame.  


How is it a safe alternative by the way?



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« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2003, 06:37:00 PM »

QUOTE (Videogamebuyer14 @ Jul 23 2003, 08:16 PM)
Alright then. How about if we just posted up the real XMVTOOL on xbins? I tried to make a safe alternative, but people get the wrong idea.

A safe alternative is NOT a plagerised copy of *thier* software. That is the exact opposite of 'safe' ... it puts the people who host it in a serious position.

We dont host MS's XDK, or their dashboards for the same reason we wont host the real XMVTOOL.


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« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2003, 07:35:00 PM »


maybe...who ever is at fault will learn something from this