
Author Topic: Dvd2xbox V3.7  (Read 50 times)


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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« on: July 22, 2003, 07:38:00 AM »

I have a unique problem..

I've been using XBCopy since it was originally released.. (as most are well aware from reading my guides) XBCopy is a rock solid program.. and halts properly on error it can't deal with.

So.. I steped up to DVD2XBOX.. and loved it.. and have continued to use and test each new release.

For me.. the last release.. that worked (that would allow me to place a previously burned backup in the drive.. and copy it to a location) was version 3.4

Version 3.7.. would go throught the motions.. but when it came time to actually start the copy process.. it just say END then give me the option to boot to DASH or continue to next disk.

This may be a unique error.. as the xbox this occures on.. is unique.  This particular unit.. is the one from my XBOX to PC mod.. where I migrated the XBOX to a slim PC case.  Anyways.. this particular XBOX.. is fitted with upgraded HD's and NO STOCK XBOX DVD READER.. using instead a PC Pioneer 16X DVD reader. (for reading backups only of course.

Now.. since I don't have a stock reader in this unit.. DVD2XBOX always reports the tray is open (which according to XBOX.. is is (since it doesn't "see" the stock drive)

3.4 said TRAY OPEN and worked fine.  3.7 says TRAY OPEN and doesn't work. BTW.. 3.6 same problems as 3.7.

Is this a unique problem?

I've only tested this with burned blanks (since RETAIL will never read in that particulat XBOX)  The Blanks do READ and play fine in that READER.. using ANY other program. XBCopy, Xtoolbox, Boxplorer, FTP, etc.  only version 3.6 and 3.7 do not seem to function as version 3.4 did/does. (I've since rolled back to 3.4.. as it is trouble free.. and suite my purposes.

Could these new routines from XBMP be the issue?

Anyway.. I love the program WISO.. hope you can shed some light on this.


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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2003, 08:27:00 AM »

dry.gif ) the standard udf dump was chosen in any case.
I will add the udf dump in the next release as default and this should work with your unique box  wink.gif


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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2003, 08:34:00 AM »


BTW.. since I have your attention.. (and since I can't currently test for myself) what does your current builds of DVD2XBOX do with games with LFN (Long File Names) and with foriegn or "illegal" characters when copying to FATX drives?

I'm hoping it doesn't make the mistakes of other programs.. like SKIP or IGNORE be default.  The nice thing about the original source.. XBCopy.. was that it HALTED on these issues.

Thanks again.


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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2003, 09:09:00 AM »

wink.gif )


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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2003, 10:03:00 AM »

The size from the status bar is determined by GetDiskFreeSpaceEx from the XDK. Don't know why it fails. Which DVD was it ? Was the dump successful ? It should be because the size during ripping is determined from the dvd library (vobsize).


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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2003, 11:40:00 AM »

sad.gif  ( it is correct)



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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2003, 12:28:00 PM »

Fortunately I have the Sega Pack and could test whats wrong.

Keep posting ...


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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2003, 12:52:00 AM »

@burchman82: yes dvd2xbox has a size check. I'll remove it in the next release until the size bug is fixed.


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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2003, 07:36:00 AM »

I tested only a few cdrs with the following errors:

- If it comes to an empty dir it tries to create it several times recursiv until it hangs (vcd)
- on another vcd it could copy all the mpgs without problems but hangs on the same directory (nothing
  special with it) by every try. In this case FindNextfile delivers an array instead of a filename.
- some 'normal' isos could be copied but very slowly

The curious thing is that the XBMP source provides only the functions FindFirstfile,FindNextFile etc for the iso mode and I use the same subfunction as for the dvd copy mode. I don't know why FindNextFile sometimes
returns some stupid stuff.
But It's still testing maybe I find some explanations later on.


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Dvd2xbox V3.7
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2003, 10:21:00 PM »

I am having problems copying files from cd->hd in that it changes size!? I was trying to copy my own dashboard of a CD back to the xbox, and dvd2xbox seems to be adding a few bytes to it. How can I stop this?

PS. If you can't copy make sure that anything your are trying to copying IS NOT in the root of the cd, it appears to only work when the files are in subdirectories.